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The BEST All listings near Sand Point and Surrounding Area

The BEST All listings near Sand Point and Surrounding Area

Hunting and Firearms 

Smith & Wesson TRIPLE B GUNS Newest Dealer Smith & Wessn 4029 Govt. Way CDA Buying Collections Big or Small We do Class 3 and Layaways! 208-664-9053 New owners since 2018 & veteran owned. Nice selection of new and used guns.

Misc for Sale 

Old Singer Treddle machine complete. Ready to restore. $125. Dave 208-446-9827

Misc Wanted 

208-704-2221Free gutter cleaning with installation of Flexpoint the 50 year gutter covers.
In-Home Care Services Accepts VA Insurance Call 208-600-1899 to book a free Caring Consult! Local Veteran Owned
In-Home Care Services Accepts VA Insurance Call 208-600-1899 to book a free Caring Consult! Local Veteran Owned
Very respectful guest and tenant looking for a wonderful and quiet place (which hopefully has a bathtub) to live on an extended basis. Also a great house sitter! References available. Thank you very much and have a great day! (415) 407-3707 or
WANTED Dalgo Crabapples for jelly. 208-966-8165
WANTED: Black & White Photographs & Postcards! Any subject, even old family photo albums for top dollar! Call Mark 208-277-4626

Musical Instruments 

Drum Set - Brand new in the box! 5 piece with Cymbals, stands, pedals and throne. $685 Call Chris 208-661-5540 Sandpoint